SpanLoc 300
Spanloc 300 is a structural,
mechanically seamed ,
standing seam roof system
that features a bold, trapezoidal
rib appearance for sloped roof
applications as low as 1/4:12
pitch, and provides excellent
resistance to wind uplift. Panels
are designed for application
over open purlins and blanket
insulation or solid substrates
like plywood or metal decking.
Optional floating clips offer the
ability to accommodate thermal
movement of the panels.

- 3" nominal height.
- Multiple widths ranging from 12" to 24".
- Double stiffener ribs for
additional support.
- Fixed or floating clip available.
- Mechanically Seamed.
- Minimum 1/4:12 pitch recommended.
- Optional factory applied
sealant in female panel rib.
- 26, 24, 22 Ga Acrylic Coated
- 26 Ga SMP Color Finish.
- 24 Ga Kynar500® PVDF resin Color
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