SpanLoc 100
Spanloc100 is a mechanically
seamed, architectural
standing seam panel; which
combines a traditional thin rib
profile appearance, superior
weather tight capability, and
exceptional resistance to
wind uplift. Spanloc100 is
designed to be applied over
a solid substrate such as
a roof, mansard, or fascia.
Available expansion clip
allows for thermal expansion
and contraction of the panel
if needed. Tapered panels
are available up to 29'
lengths. SpanLoc100 panel
can be curved to a convex
radius as small as 10 feet for
curved roof applications.

- 1" nominal seam height.
- Multiple widths ranging from 13" to 21".
- Striated pan standard;
Optional smooth without
- Mechanically seamed.
- Minimum 3:12 pitch
- Optional factory applied
sealant in female panel rib.
- 26, 24, 22 Ga Acrylic
Coated Galvalume.
- 26 Ga SMP Color Finish.
- 24 Ga Kynar500® PVDF resin Color
- 26 & 24 Ga Paint Grip.
- 16 & 20 oz. Copper.
- .032 & .040 Aluminum,
Anodized or Kynar500® PVDF resin Color
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